Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Past

This will kinda give you an idea of my past. I was born in a small town in southeastern, KY. I lived there until I was three. My parents were eighteen when they had me. We never had a lot of money but we had eachother. My dad was in and out of work because where we are from there are not a lot of jobs. When I turned three my dad joined the navy. I can actually remember going to see him when he was in school for the navy. The first place we moved to was Norfolk, VA. We moved in to a small apartment but it was big enough for the three of us though. I can remember a little girl I used to play with and her name was also Ashley. I remember having my fourth birthday there and my mom having my brother. My dad was out on a ship during this time. When my dad finally came back we moved in to base housing. We were a family again. You dont get much family time when you have a dad in the navy. I started kindergarten and first grade in VA. After that we moved to FL into a duplex. I had a couple of friends and started second grade. I dont remember much about this time in my life but I do remember hitting my head on the jungle gym and bruising my head. I also remember my dad help me make a kite for school and when we tried to fly it it broke. After this we moved out to the beach on the base. I started my third grade year there. I had friends but they were the ones that were your friend one day and not the next. I also started my fourth grade year here. I met a lot of people living in Panama City, Florida that I would also meet back up with in the future. By the end of my fourth grade year I found out we were moving to San Francisco, California. I did not want to go. When we got there we moved on to a base called Treasure Island. This is where I started fifth grade. I started school and could not stand living there. I made a couple of friends and the other kids made fun of me. I stayed here for my sixth and seventh grade years also before moving to Corpus Christi, Texas. My parents finally bought their first house here. We moved in and it was great. I didnt know anyone so I would be starting my eighth grade year without any friends. I was very nervous starting school with out knowing anyone. I met a group of friends that I did everything with. I also started my nineth grade year with my friends. But it wouldnt be long after that that I would move back to Florida. My parents rented out their house in Texas and they didnt have long to look for a house in Florida so we rented a crappy house. I started my tenth grade year at Bay High without any friends once again. When I got back to school I ran back in to my old friends and also met some new ones. I went to Bay until the end of my eleventh grade year and switched to a new school on the beach. I loved my new school but I would find out I wouldnt be able to to graduate and my parents would be moving back to Texas. I didnt want to go back there so I moved out and ended up moving to Georgia with my boyfriend at the time. I moved to northern Georgia and that only lasted a month before I returned to Texas with my parents. I was about to turn nineteen and was hanging out with my friend from eighth and ninth grade. It wasnt long after that that she and I was not friends anymore. I started hanging out with some girls that werent that great and moved out again. I was about to turn twenty when I met the guy I was going to marry. I met him in October of 2002. I found out I was pregnant in December and married him in March of 2003. We had a son in August 2003 and a daughter in 2004. We were married until October of 2007. After we divorced I wasnt doing so good and went out drinking a lot. I tried to join the navy but realized they were giving me the run around so I went in to the army. I met my next husband by my recruiter which was a huge mistake. I went in to the army and soon was discharged due to medical problems. I got married in April of 2008 and soon after realized that he was to young and didnt need to be married. I had a miscarriage with him and decided that God didnt want me to have a child at that time. He deployed in December of 2008 and I headed back to Florida to live with my parents. My dad had finally retired out of the navy after twenty-two years. They bought a beautiful house and I was moving in with them. Not long after moving in with them my dad decides that he doesnt want to be married to my mom anymore after twenty-seven years and decided that he found someone else. My mom moved back to Kentucky and my dad moved out of the house. I ended up meeting someone who I fell in love with almost instantly. I found out I was pregnant and was terrified. But to my surprise he has stayed right behind me the whole time. We have made it through almost five months.

1 comment:

  1. And I am so glad you ended up with Cory!! We love having you around.. I think we'll keep ya. :)
