Monday, September 21, 2009

Dalton Cole is here!

Well I finally had my baby. He was born Sept. 10 2009 and weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces. He has a head full of hair and I think he is so beautiful. I was so nervous about being a mom again because I didnt know if I would be ready for it all. I love him so much I dont even want to leave him anywhere. I had my c-section and I got up and walked the same day but the next day I could feel the pain. The nurses were great. They called me their star patient and said they would see me back there next year....I had to laugh about that one. I wont be having anymore kids for awhile. I love being home with Cory and Dalton. I went to my doctors appointment friday because my staples had to be taken out but there were only 4 left. The 4 that were left were done wrong and didnt hold my cut closed so now I have a hole in my stomach but they said it will heal. I guess we will see. Dalton has been doing good. He eats all the time and loves watching his daddy play Halo. Maybe one day we will have more but I think we are fine for now.

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